“The research and insights of
Marching Bands and Drumlines might just be the next great resource for marching music educators.”James Voss Grumish
Founder, TripletDiddle.com
About Marching Bands And Drumlines
Have you ever wanted to know the secrets of success from today’s top marching bands and drumlines on how they achieve excellence? This extraordinary study takes you onto the practice field, inside the meeting room, and into the stadium and includes the “Five Factors Influencing Excellence”–valuable to any high school or college band program. The leaders of these outstanding organizations reveal their principles for success including: goals, expectations, values, leadership styles, motivational techniques, practice habits, and recruiting strategies. A must-read for band directors, percussion educators, students and ANYONE pursuing excellence in leadership.
Marching Bands and Drumlines promises to provide your students with the opportunity to grow as musicians, leaders, and people, and will take your program to the next level. This book has the potential to create a ripple effect in band and percussion programs across the country and inspire a new paradigm of music education based on leadership excellence. In addition to the Factors, the book features interviews with the band directors, drumline instructors, and section leaders from seven of the top college marching bands in the country including LSU, Alabama, Western Carolina, Michigan State, Ohio State, North Texas, and Arizona. I hope this book will inspire you and cause you to think about the way we teach.

Free Resources
Dr. Buyer is available to come to your school to present a free clinic or seminar on Marching Bands and Drumlines and the Factors Influencing Excellence. He is also available as a guest clinician or adjudicator for your marching band, drumline, indoor drumline, percussion ensemble, and steel band. Dr. Buyer offers Leadership Workshops geared towards marching band section leaders, drum majors, and directors at the high school and college level. Please contact Dr. Buyer at pbuyer@clemson.edu for availability.
Factors Evaluation
Print a FREE evaluation for your staff and students based on my book, Marching Bands and Drumlines. This evaluation is a great tool to improve your band and is based on the Factors Influencing Excellence – Culture, Staff and Student Leadership, Rehearsal Time, Number of Shows, and Competitive Auditions, plus two NEW factors: Attendance and Weather.
The Iceberg of Excellence
Print a FREE photo of what excellence looks like to hang in your band room and motivate your students! The secrets of success contained in Marching Bands and Drumlines are the real issues that determine whether your band will achieve excellence or fall short of it. Like an iceberg, these topics lie below the surface and establish a rock-solid foundation. They cannot be seen by the casual observer, but without them, the structure becomes weak and eventually starts to fall apart.